Progreso de la recaudación de fondos
Mi Historia
El The Longest Day rinde homenaje a los afectados por Alzheimer's y demencias relacionadas y sus cuidadores. Participantes de todo el mundo se unen para luchar contra la oscuridad del Alzheimer a través de una actividad de recaudación de fondos de su elección.
lucho para terminar Alzheimer's to honor my Dad and his mom, who both passed away from this disease.
Sadly, they were told they had a disease with no prevention, no treatment, no cure, in other words no hope. I fight so that my nieces and nephews will have hope. Future generations now have hope to prevent the disease through lifestyle modification, and we also have the first treatment that slows the decline- giving those impacted more precious time with their loved ones. But we need to do more!
We need your help to end this relentless disease. Your kindness and generosity truly make a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Together, the strength of our light will outshine the darkness of Alzheimer’s.
¡Gracias por su apoyo!
El poder de un donativo
Los dólares que usted recaude contribuirán a impulsar los esfuerzos de atención, apoyo e investigación de la Alzheimer's Association.
¡Apunte su nombre en mi lista de donantes hoy mismo!
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#The Longest Day #ENDALZ