mariah baer

está recaudando fondos para honrar:

De mi papá, Allan Baer. Junto con todos aquellos que enfrentan Alzheimer's.

Progreso de la recaudación de fondos

mariah baer
de objetivo
$120 Recaudados


apoyando la lucha hasta el final Alzheimer's

con mi equipo

Team Charter of Danvers

Únase a mi equipo

Mi Historia

¡Me he unido a la lucha para acabar con el Alzheimer! Estoy participando en The Longest Day para recaudar fondos y crear conciencia sobre los esfuerzos de atención, apoyo e investigación de la Asociación de Alzheimer.

Will you support my efforts by making a donation on my fundraising efforts?  My goal this year is $2000.

Cada dólar que dona ayuda al Alzheimer's Association® brindar atención y apoyo a quienes se enfrentan Alzheimer's y todas las demás demencias, y avanzar en la investigación crítica.

I have both personal and professional experience with this devastating disease. My dad lost his life to Alzheimer’s. Seeing first hand how this disease impacts lives increased my passion to help those who are affected by it.  For over five years, I have worked in a specialized unit caring for those with dementia.

My hope is to see this eradicated in the near future so no one else has to go through it.

The Longest Day is the day with the most light — the summer solstice. On June 20, thousands of participants from across the world come together to fight the darkness of Alzheimer’s through a fundraising activity of their choice. Will you join the fight with a donation today?

Alzheimer’s disease has touched so many lives, maybe even yours. But you can help. With your donation families can receive support on their Alzheimer’s journey, promising research can advance toward a future without Alzheimer’s and lives can — and will — be changed.

Your donation means so much, to myself and to all those affected by the disease. On behalf of more than 6 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s and over 11 million caregivers — thank you.

El poder de una donación

Los dólares que recauda alimentan los esfuerzos de atención, apoyo e investigación del Alzheimer's Association.

¡Agregue su nombre a mi lista de donantes hoy!


Formulario de donación por correo

¡Gracias Donantes!
mariah baer
mariah baer
Ver los donantes de mi equipo