If you have found your way to my Alzheimer’s Home Page then I thank you for showing interest in Bob’s Ride to End Alzheimer’s and I hope you will be kind and generous enough to contribute to this worthy cause. This will be my 5th Ride to End Alzheimer’s and like last year’s virtual ride from Buffalo to Albany, I will be raising the stakes yet again and challenging myself to a higher level.
This year I will be riding from Portland, Oregon to San Francisco, CA. The distance seems to be around 800 to 850 miles, although no 2 sites can seem to agree exactly. I plan to begin my ride in late February of 2025. I realize that this is not the most ideal time of year to ride this route, but it is a time slot that works into my schedule. In any event, it will be more than double the 380 miles that I cycled last year between Buffalo and Albany. My trip will be solo and self supported and will be my most formidable Alzheimer’s Ride to date.
Alzheimer’s has effected my family very closely and if you are reading this, it probably has effected your family as well. My father-in-law, Spencer Gaines, whom I ride in honor of, died from complications from Alzheimer’s in 2020. My mother-in-law now also suffers from this terrible disease. I am sure you all have family members and friends who equally suffer from this disease or have suffered from it in the past. I am riding to help end Alzheimer’s and I am asking that you kindly support me in my efforts. I am hoping to surpass my fundraising amount of $4000 from last year and I am committed to help fighting this disease until we have a cure. Please help me by donating to Bob’s Ride to End Alzheimer’s so that we can End Alzheimer’s for all of our families.
I wanted to take on an even greater challenge this year and this felt right. As more and more people I know in my life become affected by this awful disease, I realized that I needed to do more. I must do more. It will be long, at times painful and perhaps even uncomfortable. But nothing like the pain and discomfort felt all over by families who are affected by a loved one with Alzheimer’s every day. If I can make one small shred of difference in this fight against Alzheimer’s by making this ride, every mile will be worth it.
Viajo para mi suegro, Spencer. Viajo para la madre de mi amiga, Barbara. Viajo por cada familiar, amigo y completo desconocido que ha sido afectado por esta terrible enfermedad. Busquemos una cura. ¡Acabemos con el Alzheimer! Se aceptan con cariño donaciones de todos los tamaños. Gracias por su generosidad.
bob ryan
Por qué viajo: Estoy decidido a hacer todo lo posible por todos los afectados por la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Me inspira la fuerza de los más de 6 millones de estadounidenses que viven con esta enfermedad y los más de 11 millones de familiares y amigos que les brindan atención. También me inspira la ciencia.
En este momento, no hay escasez de ideas en la investigación del Alzheimer, solo dólares. Por eso pido su apoyo. Estoy participando en Ride to End ALZ®, un evento de ciclismo de primer nivel totalmente patrocinado que apoya los esfuerzos de la Asociación de Alzheimer para descubrir métodos de tratamiento y prevención para la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
Con cada milla que conduzco, estoy recaudando fondos para avanzar en la investigación hacia el primer sobreviviente de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Gracias por animarme.