Por qué viajo: I am inspired to ride for the ones we lost and the ones still fighting. For the ones who didn't get to enjoy the beautify of growing old, see their family grow and enjoy the memories of their past. I ride for my grandfather and his sister who we lost too soon. I ride for the man who helped raise me and helped shape who I became. I am no longer able to help him but through this ride I will help countless others who are still in the fight or will be in the future.
Estoy decidido a llegar hasta el final por todos los afectados por Alzheimer's. I am inspired by the strength of the nearly 7 million Americans living with this disease, and the over 11 million family members and friends who provide them with care.
Ahora mismo, no hay escasez de ideas en Alzheimer's investigación: solo dólares. Por eso pido su apoyo. Estoy participando en Ride to End ALZ®, un evento ciclista de primer nivel y totalmente respaldado que respalda la Alzheimer's AssociationEsfuerzos para descubrir métodos de tratamiento y prevención para la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
Con cada milla que recorro, estoy recaudando fondos para avanzar en la investigación hacia el primer sobreviviente de Alzheimer's. Gracias por animarme.