This July, I'll beparticipating in Ride to End ALZ SouthCarolina, Un viaje en bicicleta de tres días a través del estado. I will ride for my Mom, Micki McFall, and in support of Tom Watkins and in memory of Dolly Watkins, Simon Derrick, John "Bill" Dorn and all who suffer with ALZ. I pray for the caregivers andfamilies who are caring for them.
I am determined to go thedistance for all those affected by Alzheimer's.
We all know someone who has beenaffected by this terrible disease. I ride because I am inspired by the strengthof the nearly 7 million Americans living with this disease, and the over 11million family members and friends who provide them with care. We are closerthan ever to discovering more treatments and ultimately a cure for all thoseaffected. I want to be a part of the exciting progress being made to endAlzheimer's.
Right now, there is no shortageof ideas in Alzheimer's investigación: solo dólares. Willyou join me by making a generous donation today? Together, we canbe a part of finding the first survivor of Alzheimer's. Thank you for cheeringme on!