I am walking in honor my father, Thomas Williams, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's over 8 years ago. He passed away April 25, 2024. This is a debilitating disease that not only affects the patient, but the entire family as well. There is no cure for Alzheimer's y al participar en esta caminata, tengo la esperanza de que algún día, a través de la investigación, se encuentre una cura.
Actualmente, hay más de 5 millones de estadounidenses que tienen Alzheimer, and that number is expected to grow to as many as 16 million by 2050. Our future is at risk unless we can find a way to change the course of this disease. Together, we can end Alzheimer's. Caminemos juntos para liderar el camino hacia el primer sobreviviente.
El Alzheimer's Association supports research along with caregiver and patient support. My mom was the main caregiver for my dad, and utilized the Association for answers to questions she had along with various support. Please make a donation to advance the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.
Gracias por unirse a la lucha contra Alzheimer's.
Mi progreso
Gracias por ayudar a avanzar el apoyo, la atención y la investigación del Alzheimer.
He recaudado
Mi meta
Mis logros
Maestro móvil