Well it's been 2 years since we have seen you,but in that time we have still been working on our commitment to fight Alzheimers.
In this time,a potential drug has been approved for trials and we will be walking,live and in person,once again.woohoo!The walk will be held on November 6 at Gillette Stadium.We will again be holding our meat raffle on August 14 at TDs pub.We are also hoping to have a couple more fun events also.stay tuned.
We will be reaching out you again,to be our partners in our mission.Thank you all for your love and support .
We can't wait to see you all in person!
Mi progreso
Gracias por ayudar a avanzar el apoyo, la atención y la investigación del Alzheimer.
He recaudado
Mi meta
Mis logros
Recaudación de fondos
El mejor equipo
Maestro móvil