Dementia severely affected both my maternal grandparents and two of my aunts in their nineties. Memory care is an important, substantial, and evolving component of my retirement community Deerfield’s health care services. I am particularly moved by the situation of some of my neighbors, valued friends of mine who are cognitively impaired and no longer recognize family, friends, and neighbors. The various forms of dementia can hollow out patients, their caregivers, and their families. Regrettably, the forecasted number of American adults with dementia is expected to almost triple across the world by 2050.
I began walking to end Alzheimer's in 2023 along with many from the Deerfield retirement community where I live. This year we will walk on Saturday October 5th and I am walking to honor my friend Bob Sigmon. Every dollar that walkers and sponsors donate helps the Alzheimer's Association® provide care and support to those facing Alzheimer’s and all other forms of dementia, and advances critical research. Will you please join me this year in making a monetary contribution and/or in Walking in your local community to End Alzheimer's?
Thank you for reading this story and giving consideration to making a gift to help end this disease. The U.S. population is aging, especially baby boomers such as me. Families facing Alzheimer’s and all other forms of dementia need our help now more than ever.
Mi progreso
Gracias por ayudar a avanzar el apoyo, la atención y la investigación del Alzheimer.
He recaudado
Mi meta
Mis logros
Recaudación de fondos
El mejor equipo
Mejor recaudador de fondos
Gran campeón
gran campeón de élite