Camino en memoria de mi increíble mamá, mi abuelo y en honor a todos mis amigos que han perdido seres queridos por esta enfermedad.
The Walk this year is especially poignant as it falls on the same date that Mom passed away.
Our story isn't any different than any other family who has had loved ones with Alzheimer's. Mom is now free from the grip of Alzheimer's. She died peacefully with her family surrounding her on October 26th, 2020. She was only 75.
If you can help in any way, please consider it. We are so close to having a cure! Please help us make Alzheimer's a memory.
Mi progreso
Gracias por ayudar a avanzar el apoyo, la atención y la investigación del Alzheimer.
He recaudado
Mi meta
Mis logros
Recaudación de fondos
El mejor equipo
Mejor recaudador de fondos
Maestro móvil
Recaudación de fondos sin conexión