This will be my sixth year to be participating in the Alzheimers Walk.
I will once again be walking in memory of my wife, Marilyn (Mimi to our family). She passed away from this horrible disease on April 18, 2018 after approximately a 12 year battle. She died 2 months prior to our 51st wedding anniversary. She left behind 4 grandchildren and 2 children and a grieving husband. The saddest part of all, she didn't know who we were for the last 3 years of her life. BUT WE REMEMBER MIMI AND HONOR HER !!!!!!!
Join our team and walk for Mimi or in honor of one of your own family members, friends or neighbors who have Alzheimers. If you can't join our team please consider making a donation to help fund support for much needed research to find a cure. It won't be easy but we have to continue to try.
We can't do it alone..... we need your help.
Alzheimers is a disease that kills its victims twice. The first time is when your memories are stolen and you no longer remember your life and the second time is when your body is ravaged and you are physically taken from your friends and loved ones. It is one of the cruelest of diseases.
Mi progreso
Gracias por ayudar a avanzar el apoyo, la atención y la investigación del Alzheimer.
He recaudado
Mi meta
Mis logros
Recaudación de fondos
El mejor equipo
Gran campeón
gran campeón de élite
Maestro móvil