Hello, my name is Brittani and I am the Nurse Speret hall Coordinator at Altercare of Bucyrus. Speret hall here at Altercare of Bucyrus is a special unit in which assists with men and women that suffer from Alzheimer's & Dementia. I'm seeking help in looking for friends and families that are willing to donate to help end Alzheimer's disease. Any donation would be appreciated. I am inspired to participate because I have a grandmother who suffers from this horrible disease along side the many many residents I have taken care of over the years who are either still fighting or have lost the battle. I have watched families "lose their loved one twice". Which means their family member experiences a significant loss of their personality and identity as the disease progresses essentially meaning you are "losing" them while they are alive and then experiencing another wave of grief when they physically pass away. Please help my awesome team in donating to help End Alzheimer's Enfermedad.
Muchas gracias!
Mi progreso
Gracias por ayudar a avanzar el apoyo, la atención y la investigación del Alzheimer.
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